Friday, February 26, 2016

What I Learned This Week.

      This week in my English class I learned about space tourism  and 2 different methods of traveling. We read an article of Backpacking or Flashpacking. The diferrence is that backpackers travel freely with anyone accomodating them. Flashpackers have thame same adventure spirit but they have the money to have luxuries and comfortable places. In my Mukimono art class we kept practicing with raddishes making roses. Also we made tulips with cucumbers and a basket with a cantoulope. It was Very interesting and sort of stressful. Also I learned about pathogens and microorganisms in my health class. This week was interesting and very long because I got really sick so I felt like I was going to die .

Image result for cantaloupe basket
Image result for space tourism

Friday, February 19, 2016


What I Learned This Week.

       What I learned this week in English was about tourism. I learned that tourism means to turn or going around. Also that tourism helps the economy .I learned that Mexico dropped two places from the top places with more tourism. It sad because Mexico has so much to offer ! In my other classes I learned a lot as well. In my Mukimono art class i learned how to make a swan with an apple, a rose with a raddish and a leaf with a squash. It was hard at first but with practice you get the hang of it. In my administration class I learned the process to make changes in your business. In my contability class I learn that it is very important to know how to manage your money so you wont have any losses. For my last class, Intro to nutrition I learn how to calculate your corporal mass by diving your weight in kilograms by your height in meters. It was a great week with a lot of interesting lessons.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The City I Want to visit .

The city that I am very excited to visit one day is New Orleans. It just intrigues me to know more about their gastronomy. It is a beautiful city with great history and great food.  Lets just think about their traditional lobster and their variety of sea food ! It makes me hungry to just think about it !
And let's not forget about their around-the-clock nightlife and their festive spirit of Mardi Gras. Also New Orleans is know for the Bourbon Street, french quarter, jackson square, royal street and many more .

Friday, February 12, 2016



Hello Everyone, 

I am very happy to have you be part of my class. I hope this semester will be a successful one for everyone including me. I am sure I will enjoy each and every one of you. I also hope that your activities in lab are beneficial en every sense.

Let's have fun while we learn!! 

Welcome!! :)

Ms. Julia

Everyday work on building your 
dreams, or others will hire you
to build theirs.

The Reason I'm Here

      The reason I'm here is that I want to be successful in life. I love cooking that's why I chose Gastronomic Businesses. I had a bad experience after high school. My dream was  to leave to Napa Valley and study culinary arts in The Culinary Institute of America. It is the world's premiere culinary college. I receive an early admission letter where I was being congratulated for being accepted. I felt like everything that I had done to reach my goal was all worth it. I had already made my choice to leave and start my life thirhteen hours from my home, but I was still dreaming. It was way to expensive for my parents to support me: So I called and I cancelled my admission.If you ask, it was one of the most difficult decisions I've done in my life.
       After all that I decided to apply for the Art Institute in San Diego. It was all perfect. I had requested loans and my financial aid which covered for my whole tuition. But when it came down to housing that's when I saw myself in very stressful situations. San Diego is very expensive, so it was really hard for me to find an affordable place. I tried everything! From roommates to renting a room in a house. NOTHING worked out! 
      So these are my main reasons why I am here. I took my last option which was stay home and go to school in Mexicali. I was in denial at first, but I realize that I am at a great university. I feel comfortable and motivated to give my best and succeed at every single thing I set my mind to! I am aware that it will not be easy, but hey who likes easy challenges !